
christmas lego, DIY christmas lego ornaments, DIY lego christmas decorations, Lego Christmas candy cane, lego santa, lego christmas tree, lego wreaths

With how much Lego we have in this house both for Adam's Custom Lego Lightsaber business and for his and the boys' personal collections it's a wonder that we haven't thought about making DIY Lego Christmas decorations before now! But the idea came to me at the end of last month and I thought it would be a really fun activity to do all together as a family and to also share with you here and over on my youtube channel in case you're looking for fun Christmas-themed activities to do with your children at the weekend or when they break up from school for Christmas.

I've shared a big video over on my YouTube of exactly how we put all our lego Christmas makes together but I thought I'd share a few photos on here too to show you what we (okay, mostly Adam) came up with.
It's Christmas time! And I'm quite late with writing this post, because December has, as as it always does, flown! But seriously, th...
This time of year is all about traditions and I love that over the years we've made some lovely Christmas traditions with our boys su...
By now you've probably seen my Christmas gifts for her and Chrsitmas gift ideas for children aged 2-5  blog posts and today I am ...
Hello! - Sorry that it's been a while. I ended up taking a couple of weeks off over Christmas whilst the boys were off school to enj...
This is the last Christmas gift ideas post that I'm going to be sharing this year, although I may share my own festive wish list if I...
Some people can be notoriously difficult to buy for and it can leave you feeling a bit stumped when Christmas rolls around and you want to ...
Christmas 2022 has left me with very full heart! It's been SO lovely to spend time with family and create some festive memories over the...
We are just two days away from the big day now! Two! I'm waking up everyday feeling more and more excited as the 25th draws closer an...
Christmas 2020 was undoubtedly different to any other Christmas we've ever had. Our plans to celebrate with just a few people this year...
Hello 2022! And a happy new year to all! It's been so nice to take some time off over the christmas period and just completely relax an...
As you all now know, I love writing home decor posts, and so a Christmas-themed home decor post is one that makes me very, very exc...
It's December! Already! Honestly, I just can't believe that it's the last month of the year! This must have been the fastest ye...
With Christmas fast approaching everyone is hunting for the perfect Christmas gift, but presents don't just have to be a 'thing...
This year feels that much magical with Ethan being older. I feel like he understands much more than last year and it feels so special becau...
Hello 2020! You've come around fast! And I'll be honest I keep wondering where exactly 2019 went! It's the little milestones ...
I know I've said it before, but I really want to get back in to writing more ' ordinary moments'  blog posts. They are always a ...
Today I am sharing some ideas for Christmas gifts for the little ones in your lives! Some of these we've got ourselves and some are...
This is probably not the photo I had envisioned for this month. I mean for one, what is going on with my crazy eyes? And also could my ...
I feel like we've just got over Christmas and New year, but somehow it's February already and that means it's time for Vale...