Hello 2020! You've come around fast! And I'll be honest I keep wondering where exactly 2019 went! It's the little milestones that I look back on that remind me what we were doing throughout the year and I thought it would be nice to sit down and create a little 'year in review' or 'recap' of the year. Especially so as I have majorly slacked with keeping up with our 'Me and Mine' monthly photographs and monthly updates that I used to do here. So let's take a little look back and recap our 2019!...

January was kick-started with a visit to one of my favourite places! Adam had very excitingly surprised me on Christmas day with membership for Historic Royal Palaces so that I could go and explore some of my favourite historic places connected with the Tudors! It was such an amazing gift as I have such a strong interest in English History especially the Tudor Era and I can't get enough of Hampton Court which was once home to Henry VIII.
It was also the month that I found these two snuggled up together like this (Charlie was recovering from having his leg amputated the month before) after an accident.
We also visited our local museum, I always find museums are great for when you fancy an inexpensive (usually free) day-out as a family during Winter when you don't want to be outside because it's too cold.
February was the month we saw snow here in the UK. Ethan made it school as the school was just a 10-minute walk, but Logan had a day off, so we made a snowman in the back garden (and the award for the world's worst Snowman goes to....)!
It was also when Adam and I took a trip just us to London for the night. Unfortunately, I was quite unwell most of the month and it didn't shift for our time in London which was unfortunate as I made it to the Tower Of London but didn't well enough to look around. We also had afternoon tea at the cat cafe booked in which I could barely eat but I enjoyed stroking the cats!
It was also the month that I wrote this post: 'A Year On From The Worst Night Of My Life', it was significant to me as it had taken me a really long time to recover both mentally and physically from what had happened and it was so beneficial for me to look back and see how far I had come.

March was the month of sunshine! We were so lucky to have some nice weather and we made the most of it by getting outdoors.
It was also the month that Adam took his internet-based Custom Lego business demonhunterbricks.co.uk to his first Comic-Con to sell there. We were all so proud!

March was also Mothers Day and we had such a lovely time. We celebrated a day early as I am not a an of places when they are super busy, and we went for a picnic and walk at one of my favourite National Trust properties - Stowe, and then for a meal at one of my favourite places to eat. It was lovely and such a sunny day too!
We also decided to change up our previously blank landing from our loft conversion too! We added some new frames and shelves (which are now home to yet more Lego haha).
April was the month our Ethan turned 6! We celebrated his birthday with a trip to the trampoline park with his friends and then Pizza Express afterwards. It was the year of Pokemon presents for him!
It was also Easter and we had such a nice Easter. We had brunch outside (hot cross buns obviously), we did an Easter Egg hunt and then the boys' Grandparents came for dinner and to stay. We sat in the garden all day and went to the park for a bit as the weather was so lovely!
It was also my Sister In Laws hen do in April and we had such a lovely day at the spa for it followed by cocktail making and then lots of dancing!
Adam also had laser eye surgery in April. We'd been saving for a while and it was very much money well spent! The procedure was super quick and he only had pain for a little while afterwards and since then his vision has been perfect!
In May we went on a press trip with Adam's parents to Bluestone Wales for four nights, it was our second time there and it was just as amazing as we had remembered!

Also in May we watched my brother marry his fiancee Charly. It was such a lovely wedding and a massive highlight of the year! I filmed it for them so they could always look back on their special day.
Adam took his business to his second show in May and it was really successful for him!

And we enjoyed LOTS more time outdoors!

June was the month that went to Cyprus as a big family, with Adam's parents and also Adam's Grandad and his partner Maureen. Sadly, during the first day of our holiday Maureen accidentally fell and broke her hip. It was difficult as we felt guilty enjoying our holiday whilst she was laid in hospital but we knew we tried to make the most of it as much as we could. Fortunately, she has now fully recovered! :)

It was also the month our littlest man turned 4! We celebrated with a party at soft play with his school friends and then a family get together at home!

In July we adopted the newest member of our family - a new kitten! We named him Henry Tudor after my obsession with the Tudor era. He mostly gets called 'Hennerz' now and he has also grown quite a bit from here!

We also had lots of lovely summery days out, with our favourite being a Family Day Out at Hever Castle in Kent, the former childhood home of Anne Boleyn. It's the best day out if you're a Tudor fan, but also the best day out for a family too - the playground there is AMAZING and the grounds and castle are so pretty!

August was a busy month too we had a press trip holiday to Hendra Holiday Park in Cornwall here in the UK which was amazing!

We also celebrated our 7th wedding anniversary with another trip to London just us, this time with me feeling healthy! And we had the BEST time. I'd booked a few surprises for Adam such as a dinner cruise on the Thames, cocktails up the Sky Garden, dinner at Tibits (an amazing vegan restaurant) and we also stayed in an amazing apartment and went to watch Wicked at the West End. It was all so nice and we came back feeling really refreshed and relaxed!

In September the boys started a brand new school and went into year 2 and foundation! Logan went full time and it changed our routine. It's hard letting them go but it's been good for us all as Adam and I now both have time to work during the day and we get to enjoy the time with the boys when they get home from school.
It was also my 31st birthday! I still can't believe that I'm in my 30's!
We also had more lovely sunny days out!
October was mostly about Halloween and Adam's 31st birthday!

We also watched the leaves turn colour for Autumn and enjoyed a trip to Oxford Museum during half term as well as a visit to London with my Mum to see Marvel Live!

In November we were getting excited about Christmas approaching! We went for nice Autumnal walks, went to the cinema and Adam and I went and visited Sudeley Castle which is where Queen Katherine Parr (Henry VIII's 6th wife) passed away and is buried.
I also spent a day Christmas shopping and filming videos with my Mum and Sister and it was such a nice day!
And I started tracing my ancestors via ancestry.co.uk, I found this photo of my Grandfather and Grandmother on my Dad's side on there. I'd never seen a photo of my Grandfather before so it was so lovely to find it! Alternatively, you can always check other best DNA test kits on DNA Weekly that could cater your needs.
And the family got to visit Adam at one of his shows as he had a show on near our home town!
December was ALL about the build-up to Christmas and Christmas itself. We did lots of really fun and festive things! A highlight of December is always seeing the boys in their nativity plays, I always feel so proud of them! We visited Santa, went bowling on Christmas Eve, trampolining on New Year's Eve and went and bought lots of treats and food for a couple of cat charities as we do each Christmas. Ethan also started Beavers! Christmas was amazing, we had such a nice time!
Wow. I hadn't realised how long this post was going to be! I have no idea if the pictures will even load as there are so many! When I said that I had no idea where 2019 had exactly gone at the start of this post, I now see why it seemed to pass so quickly - we did so much!
I honestly can't believe how lucky I am to have had so many wonderful moments throughout 2019 with the people I love. I feel very fortunate and it's just completely reaffirmed to me just how important making happy memories are. <3
I hope 2020 is a wonderful year for us all.
Alex x
Thank you for reading.
Alex xo
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