Today I am 31 weeks and 6 days pregnant.. I have less than nine weeks left to go (minus or plus 2!) and I'm super super excited.
Baby is back to being Mr. Active again and seems to not really like sleep too much! He loves a good late-night womb party and seems to enjoy keeping Mummy wide awake. He's had a few spouts of (what I'm pretty sure are) hiccups and these seem to go on forever and ever!
I have spent a lot of this week feeling absolutely knackered! Third trimester exhaustion has crept up on me and now I suddenly remember feeling like this towards the end of my pregnancy with Ethan. Though things we're ever so slightly easier then, being that I didn't have a two year old that has grown to want a trip a daily trip to the park, to run around after! Oh Ethan - if only Mummy had your seemingly endless amounts of energy!
Saying that - my Hubby has been amazing, as he always is, and has been really taking care of both Ethan and I. He literally is the most supportive person I have has the pleasure of knowing - I still can't believe I was lucky enough to marry him! (soppy moment I know, but I'm pregnant and emotional so surely it's allowed?!!). ;)
Very pregnant, is how I would sum up how I've felt this week.. I'm getting kicked lots and lots, I'm tired, my lower back muscles feel like they are about to break from being stretched so much and I'm getting to the point where I cannot contain my excitement anymore - I'm ready to meet my second little guy and I am so looking forward to the big build up to his June due date Oh and I think he feels the same way - the midwife confirmed that he is already head down at my appointment earlier this week!
On Thursday I have another scan to check if my placenta has moved up or not. So I'm pretty excited for the extra opportunity to see my little man again!

Baby #2 pregnancy related posts:
Baby #2's weekly bump updates
I can totally relate to the late night womb parties, it's like they know we're trying to go to sleep haha xx
ReplyDeleteI used to love feeling my two moving around a lot. Hiccups were weird though! Not long to go now.
ReplyDeleteOh i remember the tiredness well, such hard work trying to keep up with a toddler when pregnant. Enjoy your scan and seeing your little man again xx
ReplyDeleteAhhh hiccups and womb parties you had me laughing it sounds like MM was in my tummy. You still are looking as amazing as ever. Of course!!!! I am so excited for you, not long at all until your little bundle of joy is here soon.
ReplyDeleteAh so exciting. I have all this to come - I'm 23 weeks... so just starting the womb parties but I think we're just warming up over here ;) x
ReplyDeleteSo so exciting! Can't wait for him to arrive :)