It's June and that means we are half way through the year. I could write and write about how I can't quite believe that half of 2016 has been and gone, but I won't. I want to sit and reflect and think about how I've spent the last six months of my life - the good times and the bad.

2016 has so far been the fastest time of my life, it's been filled to the brim with things. We worked with Walt Disney World back in February and were invited to spend a week at Disney in America. It was my first time in America and the trip of a lifetime. Working with Disney World was a dream come true in itself. I don't think I'll ever quite get my head around it, it is my biggest blog achievement collaboration wise and the best holiday we've ever had. We have the most magical memories that will be hard to ever top.

We also had our loft converted just recently and all of our bedroom redecorated. Our conversion and the building work is all finished, but we are still trying to add the final touches to our rooms and so things are still a little bit of a mess, but we are getting there.
Ethan turned three in April. It's almost hard to get my head around that I now have a three year old, that my little baby who made me a Mum the first time around, is three whole years old. He's such a personality and is learning so fast - it astounds me everyday. I can never find the right words to accurately describe how I feel about my children, but I feel like the luckiest Mum alive.

The last six months have been part of Logan's first year of life. He turns a year old on the 30th and whilst I try to enjoy every second I have with him, it really does feel like the first year has flown by. I figure that that's because we've done so much. He's changed so much in the past six months in so many ways. In the physical sense in that he's crawling, he has teeth coming through, he looks like a little boy, he's very nearly trying to stand up and also in the personality sense, his little personality is going to be a big one. He's cheeky and he's learning and he's funny, there's been so many changes just like you'd expect form a baby's first year of life.
We've just returned from the Lake District, a week away spent with our family on Adam's side. We had a lovely time and really did need the break, as the conversion and all of the extra work on top of our normal work/life routine really took it's toll on us.

I think this side of 2016, though insanely busy, has been amazing for us, it's been big that's for sure. I'm looking forward to the next six months, but I'm hoping to slow down a little. Maybe not work-wise as I love doing what I'm doing and I'm grateful for it, but maybe in the physical sense and in my mind. I want to start getting into mindfulness more and become more organised too. There's a few things I want to change going forward and I think I might make those ideas and goals in to a second blog post otherwise this one will become too long.
I like to sit and write these posts, I find it quite therapeutic. I like reflecting, it's something I've always done a lot of, but as life gets busier reflecting isn't always something I feel I get to do as often. Blogging helps me to make the time and for that I'm grateful.
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What a busy but amazing 6 months you have had! I hope the next 6 are just as amazing but a little bit slower for you. I seriously need to get organised as well! xx
ReplyDeleteThank you! It's been totally crazy, but in a good way. Oh it's so horrible, when you can't seem to organise yourself. I've tried so many different planners and to do lists. I've got to get better! xx
DeleteAhh what a busy 6 months! I can't actually believe its June already, I swear the years go faster all the time, its ridiculous! Gorgeous photos xx