
Ever since I was young I've found the idea of Halloween quite exciting even though we never really celebrated it much when I lived at home. I think it's fun to dedicate a day and a night to all things spooky and I absolutely love a good excuse to watch one of my all-time favourite films - Hocus Pocus!

Since having the boys, I've really tried to embrace all the different occasions and events throughout the year to make them as fun as possible for the boys and for us as a family. This October has been about buying cheap Halloween decorations from Poundland, decorating the house and the mantelpiece, making Halloween cupcakes, doing some Halloween/Autumn crafts and visiting the pumpkin patch to get pumpkins to carve at home. We've also got matching skeleton outfits for the boys for the weekend and for the evening of Halloween and I'm hoping that the boys might sit down and watch some of Hocus Pocus with me!

I love having a mantelpiece/wood burner area to decorate in our living room. We spend a lot of time in our living room and so it's nice to be able to decorate and theme it as certain points throughout the year. I didn't spend much at all on decorating this year, some decorations I had from previous years and others I bought for a £1 in Poundland (you can watch my Halloween Poundland Haul here if you haven't already seen it). Here's a look at our Halloween mantelpiece this year!.. (There's also a video at the bottom of this post if you'd like a closer look).

halloween home decor, halloween decor, halloween fireplace, halloween mantelpiece,
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