
*This is a paid for advertorial for WaterWipes

I've just sat and watched the new Pure Love video by WaterWipes and now I feel a little bit emotional. 

If you haven't seen it already, Pure Love is a film of an experiment showing the natural power a new mum has to care for her baby. Using infrared filming techniques and equipment to monitor heart rate, breathing and blood oxygen levels, it captures for the first time the baby's biological response to skin to skin contact.

The experiment was conducted by world renowned skin to skin expert Dr Susan Ludington who says that scientifically a Mum's skin on their baby's skin is a potent combination and can do something absolutely amazing for their baby. 

And this doesn't surprise me - our bodies as Mums are pretty amazing, they do amazing things. We spend 9 months growing our babies and then our bodies give birth to our babies and are able to continue to feed them on the outside. 

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