When you start your family there will usually be a few new accessories that you'll want to add to your car to make it more family-friendly. In association with Jennings Motor Group here are 8 useful car accessories for new families.

1. Sun shades.
You'll want to buy 2 sun shades for the back of your vehicle to ensure that the sun doesn't shine through on to your little ones face. Not only will the sun irritate their eyes without them, but it could leave them getting sun burnt too.
2. A baby on board sign.
Ah - this one's totally up to you! But there are some really lovely little car signs you can get, we have a snail one for my car and it's so cute! My Husband bought one from Peppa Pig World too, which again is lovely. They're not essential, but they can be useful in terms of warning other drivers to not drive too close to your car (not that they should be anyway!).
3. A mirror.
I think mirrors are so useful in the car, I use mine every single time I drive. Having a mirror means I can quickly check my boys are OK without having to turn around (which is not something you want to do when you're driving). I especially think these are useful when your baby is a newborn, when they're older you can generally hear that they're OK, but when they're newborns, they're often quite quiet and sometimes you just need that reassurance.
4. A blanket.
We always keep a blanket or two in our cars. It's so useful to have for if you're travelling home late and you want your little one to have a sleep or feel cosier. They're also great to have in car for impromptu picnics or sitting down on the grass and relaxing in the sun with your little one.
5. A backseat organiser.
If you keep a lot of things in the car for your little one, like nappies, wipes, small toys etc then a backseat organiser can be really useful to have.
6. Car seat head and body support.
Some parents find that when they have a newborn, their babies head may flop to the side when they fall asleep. You can buy things like the Cuddle Soft from Diono which help support your babies head and body and prevent this from happening.
7. Toys.
Some form of in-car entertainment appropriate for your little ones age is always a winner, especially for those long car journeys. So always remember to pack some toys, you can get some fantastic little toys that strap on to the head rest or hang down for younger babies to look at too which will help to keep them distracted in the car.
8. Car seat cup holder.
When your little one is no longer a newborn, they'll have their own little drinks cup. For not a lot of money, you can buy cup holders that can fit on to car seats which will hold your little ones cup (or snacks) as to reduce the chance of it spilling all over the car or themselves when they are no longer wanting to drink.
I hope you found this list helpful. What are your favourite in car accessories for your little one/s?
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