
I'm one of those people that have quite straight hair naturally. There's not a curl in sight, sadly, I love good wavy hair and would love to have the time to spend curling my own. But as a busy Mum, that time doesn't always exist and when it does it is usually better spent doing something else. 
I have to admit I don't do a lot with my hair except wash it every other day and use dry shampoo in between. Oh and have it highlighted probably around every three months. I don't even get it cut professionally, my Husband does that, which explains the wonkiness. ;) And I never really style it or wear it up, I'm sort of most comfortable with it just hanging down. One thing I have started to do a lot more of recently though, is straighten it! 
Two years ago today I posted my first ever blog post here on Bump to Baby. It was this one  - a post about being with Adam for what was ...
This is my first weekly bump update. I would have loved to have started from the very beginning with week 1, but with keeping the pregn...
We're nearly all the way through 2014, already.. Where does the time go? They say that time flies when you're having fun.. and ...
Looking at other bloggers yearly round-ups of their family photographs for Me and Mine makes me feel sort of sad that I never joined in wit...
I have always been really lucky and super grateful at christmas time, I always receive such lovely gifts and it means a great deal to me...
Are you  currently  trying to  save up for a family holiday, a house deposit or even something else? It can feel quite difficult to save...