

I suppose we all at some point in our life can be guilty of taking them for granted.

Even if it's just a little. Sometimes forgetting our pleases and our thank yous. Or taking a bad day out on them. Or maybe it's taking them for granted.

Whatever it is we're all guilty of at some point taking the people around us that we love and who loves us back for granted. Be it on a small scale or a large.

But it's days like this one that I had a couple of weeks ago with my in-laws that bring the real meaning of what it is to be part of a family to life.

It's the smiles, the laughter, the precious memories. That's what family is all about. And when you sit and reflect, or look through photographs like I've just done, you realise that you never want or mean to take any of them for granted. You feel lucky, grateful and very happy to be a part of the family you're in. Family are at the heart of everything.

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