This blog post definitely feels like it's a tad (or a lot) too late, but I also feel that I need to write it, if even just for me to look back on at least.
Today is the first day I've really had to sit down and get back into writing here on my blog, it's the boys' first day back at school and so we're swinging ourselves back into our routine!
It's funny because whilst helping the boys get dressed for school this morning it occurred to me that it feels like they haven't been at school for ages. But, on the other hand, I also feel like the Christmas period came and went so quickly! It certainly feels like the Christmas decorations went up and came down in a flash! I think it's all just part of parenting and being responsible for two extra little humans as well as myself - life has sped up and the days just seem to be getting faster!
Christmas Day this year was spent at home, just us four. It was nice because it meant there was no pressure to get dressed quickly after opening presents and it allowed the boys to open their new things and enjoy them. I think we all missed a big family Christmas dinner, but we had one the next day on Boxing Day when we spent the afternoon and evening at Adam's parent's house. We'd been to see my side of the family in the morning and then we stayed over at Adam's side of the family's and came back in the morning.
What was lovely and completely unexpected on Boxing Day was that Adam's brother had come back from his travels early to surprise everyone. I know that Adam has really missed his brother and so it was lovely to see them reunited.
I loved having the house decorated over Christmas, the tree and decorations always make it feel super cosy and we always make more of an effort to put the fire on in the living room. We had a few evenings where we had a family Christmas movie night with the fire on and tree lights twinkling in the corner and it felt so cosy and Christmassy.
Anyway - that was our Christmas this year. I put together a video of some of our favourite Christmas highlights which I shared on my YouTube channel, so I will embed that below in case you haven't seen it and would like to. I also wanted to share a few of my favourite Christmas photos below, a lot of these I've shared on Instagram already (You can find me at instagram.com/alex_gladwin if you don't already follow me), but I wanted to share them here too! <3

Watch the video:
I hope you all had a wonderful Christmas too!
Thank you for reading.
Alex xo
Aww what lovely photos and a great sounding Christmas. Glad you all had an amazing time and Happy New Year xx