Please excuse this post if you're not into YouTube yourself. Vlogging is a big part of my life now, just as blogging is. But I remember when I first started how hard it was just to get a few words to come out of my mouth in the correct order.
I nearly gave up, so many times in fact. But I didn't want to be beaten and I really wanted to use the platform to connect with more people and as an extension of my blog, which I enjoyed doing so much.
I've been on YouTube properly for over a year now and I love it, it's so much fun and I love when someone says they enjoy one of my videos. But I think sometimes in this digital world, it can become far too easy to lose sight of what is truly important in life. It can be too easy to look at somebody else's life and feel bad about your own, despite having so much to be thankful for.
The other day, I saw the quote, "The reason we struggle with insecurity is because we compare our behind-the-scenes with everyone else’s highlight reel." and this really resonated with me. How easy is this to do on platforms like Instagram and even YouTube?!
I'd been guilty of this lately and guilty of feeling 'not good enough'. And I'm not proud of that. Because, actually, I am good enough. I just needed to take a step back and look at my children who think the world of me, to see that.
My Husband showed me this quote (below) the other day and it made me remember what matters most in life. It changed my perspective and made my glass feel half full again.
I've felt so much better ever since. And whilst I don't believe that that's it - perspective sorted, life fixed. I realised if you change your thoughts you can change your world.
When it comes to YouTube, I think that it's important to empower each other and I love the quote, "We rise by lifting others". Being part of the online vlogging community can at times be a bit like life, in that it can sometimes feel a bit overwhelming and hard to find your feet.
I made this video (below) to remind myself and anyone else feeling similar, that being successful in life is about being true to yourself, staying kind and doing things that make you and other people around you feel good.
I nearly gave up, so many times in fact. But I didn't want to be beaten and I really wanted to use the platform to connect with more people and as an extension of my blog, which I enjoyed doing so much.
I've been on YouTube properly for over a year now and I love it, it's so much fun and I love when someone says they enjoy one of my videos. But I think sometimes in this digital world, it can become far too easy to lose sight of what is truly important in life. It can be too easy to look at somebody else's life and feel bad about your own, despite having so much to be thankful for.
The other day, I saw the quote, "The reason we struggle with insecurity is because we compare our behind-the-scenes with everyone else’s highlight reel." and this really resonated with me. How easy is this to do on platforms like Instagram and even YouTube?!

I'd been guilty of this lately and guilty of feeling 'not good enough'. And I'm not proud of that. Because, actually, I am good enough. I just needed to take a step back and look at my children who think the world of me, to see that.
My Husband showed me this quote (below) the other day and it made me remember what matters most in life. It changed my perspective and made my glass feel half full again.
I've felt so much better ever since. And whilst I don't believe that that's it - perspective sorted, life fixed. I realised if you change your thoughts you can change your world.
When it comes to YouTube, I think that it's important to empower each other and I love the quote, "We rise by lifting others". Being part of the online vlogging community can at times be a bit like life, in that it can sometimes feel a bit overwhelming and hard to find your feet.
I made this video (below) to remind myself and anyone else feeling similar, that being successful in life is about being true to yourself, staying kind and doing things that make you and other people around you feel good.
It would be so lovely if we could all work together to make everybody who plucks up the courage to give the world of YouTube a go, feel heard. Whether they have one subscriber, or ten, or hundreds or even thousands. We're mostly ALL in it for the same thing - to connect. And we all started off in the comfort of our own homes talking to nobody.
I'd really love it if those of us that do YouTube could share a video from our channels using the hashtag #LetsBuildEachotherUp via Twitter, Facebook or Instagram and then either share, like, comment or subscribe to somebody else using the hashtag too. How nice would it be for us to show that we're all in this together and make everybody feel included.
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