"Imagination is more important than knowledge. For knowledge is limited, whereas imagination embraces the entire world, stimulating progress, giving birth to evolution" - Albert Einstein
What a wonderful quote.
The same words can be found over on the about page of The Story Corner website. The Story Corner is a cottage industry run from the home of Mum of two, Sowmya. She's Mum to a five year old little boy and a five month old little girl and her business The Story Corner has very much so been inspired by the little people in her life as well as her own childhood memories.

As a little girl growing up with her sister, she would often roam the woods nearby, creating natural dens and making up fantastical stories, which she would write down in dozens of notebooks and tuck them away in to an old briefcase (some of which she still has today). Over the years the magic of creating stories and living in her imagination became lost to her (as I think it does with most of us when we grow in to adults).
So she turned to the Internet in search of aids that would make her more of an inventive storyteller for her children and whilst she found some lovely story cards, they unfortunately didn't capture the interest of her Son, so she decided to enlist the help of some artists and she went about producing her own.
She has now curated items, which she sells via her online shop, that she will hope will be enjoyed for years to come and that will inspire children to embrace their creativity the it comes to their imaginations.

And there is something about her personal story and about how her business came to be that really resonated with me. I remember as a little girl feeling the exact same way - living in my imagination and being able to make the most simplest of things so much more than they were through the power of imaginary play.
And as a Mother now myself, I watch my two Sons, particularly my eldest Son who is nearly four, explore the world around him via his imagination and it always puts a smile on my face. The pillows of a sofa are really are really there to be used as a den or a fort. The bushes outside can be turned in to a secret den. The rocks laying on the ground are actually dinosaur fossils. The possibilities of the imagination are endless.

There's so much I love about the products that The Story Corner offer. From their story and educational play mats that help open up children's minds to outer space and to the fact that there is much more than just our own planet that hasn't yet all been explored.
To their fairytale and nursery rhyme colouring posters, which are just the best, most magical colouring pages I have ever seen.
To their magnetic daily activity calendar, which is both educational and imaginative - my little boy uses it to learn the days of the week and then uses the magnets that come with it, to plan out imaginary tasks he is doing throughout the week.
To their adventure and forest story cards which help to enhance creative thinking and explore imaginative stories with the aid of visual scenes.

Ethan and I love talking about space and our solar system together. He has learnt a lot from this play mat and he enjoys being tested on the different names of the planets. I will say a planet name and he will place his hand on it as quickly as he can.
We also use it for imaginative play by placing his dinosaurs on the different planets and pretending that that is where they live. They have to use space rockets to get to other planets to visit their other dinosaur friends.

The adventure and forest story cards are so lovely - you can use as many or as little as you'd like with your child to create your own story and really explore your imaginations together. It's adorable and heart-warming listening to the stories that they come up with.

If your child loves colouring, I can't recommend the fairytale and nursery rhyme colouring posters enough, they are simply magical to do together. It's so much fun to look around for characters that you recognise from old fairy tales and nursery rhymes. They're both lovely for the children and nostalgic for the adults.

If you'd like to have a further look in to the sort of products that are available from The Story Corner then please visit their website: https://www.thestorycorner.org, you can also use the code BUMPBABY to recieve a 10% discount up until the end of March.

Thank you for reading.
I'd love to hear from you, so please do leave me comment below.
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