
If you’re separating from your partner, and have lots of extras to organise, then you might want to consider working with a family mediator. Read on to find out what they can help with…

Going through a divorce or separation is far from easy. Not only will you have to deal with a heavy emotional burden, you’ll also have the added stress of having to make suitable arrangements with your former partner about a whole range of different matters.

Unfortunately, that’s not always going to be straightforward, particularly if you and your partner didn’t part ways amicably. That said, you’ll need to cooperate if you’re going to be able to sort out all of the logistical issues that come hand in hand with separation. Most important of these is making arrangements for any children in the relationship.

That’s where a family mediator can step in. But what does working with a resolution trained mediator entail? That’s where this short guide should come in handy…

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