
I've been meaning to document my recent feelings for a while now but it feels like there just hasn't been the time to. I guess that's a weird thing to say considering we've been mostly at home for what is now ten weeks. But during those ten weeks, we've had both the boys at home with us and so have been trying to juggle looking after them physically and emotionally whilst also trying to home school them and take care of the house, our full-time work and our own mental wellbeings. 

The coronavirus lockdown has been SUCH a rollercoaster of emotions. We've had some absolutely lovely days and on those days I feel so thankful to have this extra time together. I've enjoyed the slower pace of life and I've enjoyed not having to feel like I need to be anywhere in particular. I love that we've embraced the simplicity of life and have found so much comfort in things like nature and the things that we already have without feeling like we need to keep adding or do 'more'.

We've done so many of the simple sorts of fun things together like the other day we made a rocket and space station out of spare cardboard, as well as lots of painting, reading, Lego and we're even currently growing our own indoor plants - a lot of ideas have come from this useful list of educational indoor activities for kids that was shared by Beaches.com (I've been dreaming of taking the boys on one of their kids waterpark holidays for years!). 

Ethan's birthday was a highlight - of course, we missed having friends and family there to celebrate with, but we proved to ourselves that you can have just as much fun at home altogether if you get creative. It's mostly turned me grey I won't lie, but I've even at times enjoyed the planning of home learning for the boys. When it comes to getting them to do the actual learning, it really has depended on their moods and admittedly some days have been a real struggle, but I've also quite enjoyed some of it.
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