
Back in 2009 I started a new job and within months of starting that job I started suffering from persistent back pain. I'd never experienced back pain before and I was sure that with some pain relief tablets from the doctor, my pain would just disappear. And then when it didn't, I thought a course of physiotherapy would be sure to sort it out, but when that didn't work I started to realise that perhaps it wasn't going to be as easy to 'fix' as I first thought.

The physiotherapist told me that I had scoliosis. I had two curves in my spine - one at the bottom and one at the top and it was this that was being pinpointed as the cause of my pain. I learnt that scoliosis was often picked up in childhood or in the teenage years and if the curvature was large enough (mine wasn't) then it was operated on. My scoliosis was seen as mild in its size yet the pain it was causing was anything but.
Child Tax Credits is a tax that’s available if you fit certain criteria’s and parameters. It’s a benefit that’s been put in place to ...
Over on my YouTube channel I often share our weekly meat free meal plans alongside our vegetarian grocery shopping hauls and I seem to ge...
Many of us like to spend our free time at home with our families. This quality time together is important to help de-stress after work, r...
**This was not a review/press trip -  we paid to go to Atlantica Oasis ourselves, but I thought I'd tell you a bit about the hotel ...
** Collaborative post with Carex.** It's funny, I only noticed how many bottles of Carex handwash that we have in our home after C...
I'm starting to realise that my views on camping holidays may be slightly outdated. In my head when I hear camping, I automatically t...