
Last year was the year of renovating for us. We did so much to our home after years of saving. We not only added on a front two-storey side extension which doubled our smallest box room upstairs and made our kitchen/dining area bigger, we also added on a porch and changed the front door from the side to the front of our home, we also completely re-done our kitchen, we had our driveway re-done and we also had our back garden done too.

The whole thing was one of the most expensive things that we've ever done and it wasn't particularly easy to live through, especially so whilst having two young children. When I look back at pictures and videos that I took during the renovations I don't quite know how we didn't go grey! But then when I look back and compare the before to the after, it was all SO very worth it to make our house into a proper family home for us to live and grow in for the foreseeable future.

What didn't help, and you'll know this already if you followed our renovation journey is that we asked our builder who helped build our extension to do the garden. We trusted him a lot after seeing how hard he'd worked on the extension, so we had no reason to believe he'd end up taking quite a lot of money off of us and leaving us with a mud pit out the back that was too dangerous for our boys to even set foot in. He also failed to pay the sub-contractors he'd hired, despite us paying him and the whole thing became a big awful, horrible mess. One that we're still trying to forget and move on from. 

But in the end, we managed to find a really good builder in our neighbour across the road, who we paid to sort out the mess we'd been left in. He did a really fantastic job and we've been left so pleased with the outcome (despite how long it's taken us to get here). 

Modern back garden makeover, before and after garden makeover, composite decking, landscaped garden, modern gardens, artificial grass,
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