
Who remembers my Lego Walking Dead post? (If not and you want to see, click the link.)

My lovely Hubby Adam creates his own custom lego minifigures for his home side business - Demonhunter Bricks. And for a while now he's had Game of Thrones style figures selling through his eBay store and for some reason I just never got around to sharing them via my blog. And if you're a huge Game of Thrones fan like we are and you or someone that you know is a big Lego fan then I think you'll find them pretty awesome (well, I do anyway!).. 

Game of Thrones lego, lego Game of Thrones, Jamie Lannister, Tyrion Lannister, Orberyn Martell, Lego custom mini figures, custom lego, demonhunter bricks

Lego Game of Thrones, game of thrones lego, demonhunter bricks, jon snow lego, ygritte lego, daenerys lego, custom lego, custom mini figures

lego game of thrones, game of thrones lego, custom lego, custom lego mini figures, lego the hound, lego brine, lego arya stark, demonhunter bricks,

All figures are available to purchase over on Demonhunter Bricks.

Who's your favourite Game of Thrones character? And also who do you think would look awesome in Lego form from TV/film?

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