It feels a little bit odd to be sitting here writing about our Christmas this year, mostly because it feels like it's been one of the fastest years yet! When I look back across my Instagram page at our photos from the year I can see that we've jam packed the year full of fun and that we've made some wonderful memories together, but I swear it feels like we only just celebrated New years Day a few months ago and that paddling pool days in the garden in the summer time were not that long ago? I guess it's true what they say - time really does fly when you're having fun!

Christmas this year was lovely - for us it started when Adam and I got to spend a bit of couple time together and we visited Windsor Castle for the day. It was the same day that the Queen's Christmas tree went up at the castle and for us, that really kicked off the festive feeling! We also enjoyed many Cinnamon Swirls and festive-flavoured drinks in Pret as a family throughout December and were completely spoilt when Dobbies Milton Keynes invited us to their Grotto to see Santa. We'd never been to the grotto at Dobbies before and it was truly such a lovely, magical experience - one we'll definitely go back next year for!
Two days before Christmas Adam and I headed to London with Ethan for a last minute trip to see Disney on Ice and we absolutely loved it - it was an amazing experience, especially so close to Christmas! And not forgetting the December snow here in the UK, which made me feel like I was inside of a giant snow globe, it was incredible!

When Christmas Eve rolled around we spent it at home, Adam was at work for most of the day at his second job and so the boys and I pottered about and played some festive games like musical statues with Christmas music and hide and seek with Santa. We also read some of their Christmas books and went through some of the pages in their Christmas activity books I'd got them both too.
When Christmas Eve evening came and Adam was home from work, we all sat down on the sofa to watch The Snowman and The Snowdog, which is a Christmas Eve tradition that I love! The boys sat through much more of it than they did last year (but I think the tub of Heroes chocolates probably helped with that a bit!). ;) Afterwards the boys laid out cookies for Santa and listened to the village band playing Christmas music from the window and then we read one last Christmas book before putting the stockings on the end of their beds and calling it a night.

I'd been so excited for Christmas morning, I couldn't wait to see the boys faces! And when it came, it was just as I'd hoped. They absolutely loved tearing open their presents and seeing what was inside. And I really loved that we had a bit more time this year as we didn't have to be anywhere until a bit later and it was really nice to not have to rush. I think Adam and I are both feeling like we're at an age with the boys now where we probably want to spend a bit more of Christmas at home.

Christmas mess is the best sort of mess isn't it?!

In the afternoon we headed over to see family. We were invited to Adam's Auntie's and Uncle's house for Christmas dinner with Adam's side of the family and it was lovely to see everyone and give out presents. Ethan was very lucky and was given his first bike from his Grandma and Grandpop. He's thrilled with it, but I can't quite believe that my little boy is old enough to ride a bike!

On Boxing Day we were at home and in the morning we took the boys out for a quick ride to the park on their bikes. It was Ethan's first time riding his bike and he seemed like he was getting the hang of it, but he's got his Mummy's blood circulation unfortunately and it all got a bit too much for him because he felt too cold, so we didn't stay out long.

My family came over on Boxing Day afternoon and it was brilliant - we had such a laugh playing games and I even made cocktails. We played Santa's Hat which I'd seen being shared around Facebook and it was such a laugh. I also picked up a bushtucker trial game for £3 from B&M and that was gross but a lot of fun too! My Mum is the absolute Queen of buying random presents and she'd got Ethan a farting pig game so we played that also, as well as Head's Up via the phone app. It was a really lovely way to spend Boxing Day. Here we all are below (minus the boys who'd run off!) - this photo pretty much sums up my side of family because honestly, we're all just pretty nuts! ;)

The next day we woke up to yet more snow, it was only a sprinkle but still enough to say that it had almost snowed at Christmas. I love when it snows as it's so nice to sit and watch it out of the big windows and doors in our living room whilst staying warm.

Adam caught up with business in the morning and then in the afternoon we headed round to see my two sisters and their families on my real-Dad's side of the family. I didn't really know my real Dad and he died before I could get to know him any better than just briefly, but I love that my sisters and I have all kept in touch despite having different Mums. And I also love that Ethan gets to know his cousins, as he has so much fun playing with them when we meet up.

And that was our Christmas! I can't believe how fast it came and went! I hope you all had a wonderful time celebrating with your families and I hope 2018 is an amazing year for you!
If you'd like to then you can watch the video I made of our Christmas 2017 below or over on my youtube channel if you'd prefer. :)
Thank you for reading.
Alex xo
Well daddy seems very happy with his Christmas presents lol He looks in awe by that lightsaber. lol Santa got one for Matthew as well as he wasn't happy with the one he got for his birthday because it didn't light up haha
ReplyDeleteMario Odyseey is a good pick. I am in the middle of finishing it ;) xx