
christmas lego, DIY christmas lego ornaments, DIY lego christmas decorations, Lego Christmas candy cane, lego santa, lego christmas tree, lego wreaths

With how much Lego we have in this house both for Adam's Custom Lego Lightsaber business and for his and the boys' personal collections it's a wonder that we haven't thought about making DIY Lego Christmas decorations before now! But the idea came to me at the end of last month and I thought it would be a really fun activity to do all together as a family and to also share with you here and over on my youtube channel in case you're looking for fun Christmas-themed activities to do with your children at the weekend or when they break up from school for Christmas.

I've shared a big video over on my YouTube of exactly how we put all our lego Christmas makes together but I thought I'd share a few photos on here too to show you what we (okay, mostly Adam) came up with.
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