
On Sunday I celebrated my 30th birthday - the big 3-0. It's weird, I vividly remember as a young girl standing in my room thinking how grown up I'd feel when I turned 18... 18! Little did I know. I still wouldn't feel like a 'proper' grown up at 30. That little girl in me wondered where I'd be at 18, what I'd be doing, so it feels strange now to be way past the age of 18 and now in my 30's. 

30 feels like a big number, a significant number. I often don't feel like a 'proper grown up', but does anyone? My adult years have taught me that we're all just winging it... our parents and their parents above them and all of the generations before. Age really is just a number, but I'm excited about my thirties. My twenties were about new experiences and becoming independent, learning how to be an adult, a Mum, a wife and finding out more about myself. And I would like to think that my thirties will be about becoming a bit wiser, taking the experiences and knowledge I have from my twenties and growing on it. I'll watch my boys grow up even more and I'm excited to experience each stage of that with them. I am excited to create more memories as a family. I'm excited to grow on myself a bit more and continue to challenge myself and the anxieties that sometimes stand in my way. It's fair to say that I've hit my 30's feeling incredibly content and extremely fortunate and this is something I really don't take for granted. 

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