
This is an advertorial post.

Coming up with creative snack ideas is a constant challenge for parents of toddlers isn't it? I make no secret of the fact that I, myself have two fussy under 5's. Ethan who is four is definitely more of a fan of beige-coloured food, although even beige-food can be a real struggle to get him to eat! My youngest, Logan who is about to turn two is less fussy, but is still barely willing to put vegetables past his lips!

I used to stress a lot about what my boys wouldn't eat, until I realised that I was approaching food the wrong way and instead I should be looking at what they do eat and not what they don't. And in doing so, it took a lot of unneeded stress and pressure off of us all. I began to focus on things like the fact that whilst my little boy Ethan was refusing vegetables, he was eating some fruit and enjoying it. And whilst no veg wasn't ideal, it was at least something that he was willing to eat some fruit.

The other day I was asked by The Super Yummies if I wanted to help out with their latest campaign, all about providing parents with 'snackspiration' to get little ones excited for their snack times and hopefully make them become more willing to eat and to try different foods.

The Super Yummies have sent me some of their Tomato & Herb Breadsticks and some of their Pumpkin & Rosemary Breadsticks (which my boys already love) as well as some of their brand new toddler snack the Dairy Pots (which are great, as you can take them out with you because they don't need to be kept in the fridge) and they have asked me to come up with five snack ideas using them and whatever else I like, to get little ones excited for snack time. 

I'm so excited to give this a go and see what my boys think of what I come up with! 

If you'd like to you'll be able to catch my snack ideas daily over the next 5 days via my Twitter Page (@bumptobaby_blog) with the first one starting today! Hopefully you'll enjoy them and if so, let me know if you re-create them or make some of your own by tagging me and using the hashtag #snackspiration.

Thank you for reading!

Alex xo

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