Both Ethan and Logan are quite into planes. Ethan spent most of last year playing with nothing but his planes, watching videos on YouTube about different aircraft, flicking through plane related books and continually choosing aeroplane magazines over magazines targeted more towards his own age in WHSmith.
His love of planes I think stemmed from his Grandpop (Adam's Dad), who'd massively been into planes himself as a child. It was so lovely to watch them bond over it. And now that my youngest, Logan, is two, he's also getting into them. Whenever he's out in the garden he'll look for planes in the sky and point them out all excitedly when he spots one and if Grandpop is around then he's the first person he'll want to show!
Last year we went to our first air show as a family. The boys' grandparents had taken Ethan to some on their own previous to that, but last year was the first time that we all went as a family. And we had such a wonderful time, it was a really nice day out, with lots of fun things for the kids to do and see as well as getting to see all of the different aircraft. For some reason or other, I never actually got around to sharing a blog post about our first time at the air show, despite having taken some really lovely photographs as it had been such a lovely day weather-wise too.
Some of the aircraft at the show wasn't able to fly due to the weather conditions, but there was still plenty that were able to as the weather changed a lot during the day. It was amazing to see the Red Arrows fly as I'd only ever seen videos of them online. They were really incredible to see in real life, the pilots are so talented!
We stayed pretty much all day, we bought some food and drink, but we also took a cool bag full of food for the boys (because they are rather fussy!) and we just sat and chilled under our brollies watching the show. The boys were really good and stayed with us the entire day. I'd imagined that Logan, at two and being so active, might have tried to run off, but he was kept entertained the entire time by all of the different planes (as well as by getting to jump all over his poor Grandpop!). ;)
I've shared some of the photos that I took whilst there and a video from the day below. If you're thinking about a family day at an air show then I'd really recommend it. It's a really nice day out for everyone, made even more fun if you can get everyone together for it. There's lots to look at and explore as well as seeing the main airshow itself and both times we've found that it's the sort of day out that really does seem to suit everybody.

What about you?
- Have you ever taken your little ones to an airshow?
- If so, what did they think?
Thank you for taking the time to read my post. Please do leave me a comment down below, because I read and appreciate every single one and it means a lot to me.
Alex xo
I haven't taken my kids to one yet and I haven't even been to one! I've always wanted to though and so must add it to my to-do list for next year :)