
3 Food Safety Tips When Cooking

According to data from the UK, about 2.4 million foodborne illnesses occur annually. This raises questions about the quality of food people consume. While restaurants and fast food joints may seem like the obvious culprits, it is necessary to consider what occurs in family kitchens and homes. Food safety is a topical issue, and what you eat can have positive or negative effects. Below are a few things to note when you have cooking or handling food.

  1. Be cautious about temperature when dealing with high-risk foods

High-risk foods are the most worrying for most people. Usually, dairy, shellfish, cooked meat, soups, and sauces are classified as high-risk foods because they easily go bad within a short period. Additionally, high-risk foods are temperature sensitive, and it's crucial to ensure that each kind is treated with high attention to detail. Some require intense heat before refrigerating or freezing. In other circumstances, you can freeze certain high-risk foods right away until it's time to cook or reheat.

Also, many people fail to realise that high-risk foods have a thawing mechanism. For example, when taken out of the freezer, it is vital to thoroughly heat high-risk food within two hours. Furthermore, it is vital to discard any left outside the required temperature for four hours and beyond. Indeed, it cannot be easy knowing which of these foods are time-bound. However, the best you can do is check the pack's details or look out for any colour or smell changes. The last thing you want to do is take chances on high-risk food.

  1.  Thorough cleaning

Cleaning cannot be overlooked before, during and after cooking. Many people recommend the clean while you cook strategy because you will have little to nothing left to clean by the time you are done preparing the meal. It is a requirement to ensure a clean space throughout the cooking process that enhances the wholesomeness of the dish. And if you run a commercial kitchen, it is necessary to uphold the tenets of food production cleaning. Fortunately, some companies can help you achieve this.

  1. Avoid heating uncovered food in your microwave 

Food is covered in the microwave to limit radiation exposure, avoid splatter, and trap steam. However, most do not know that covering the food ensures proper heating and promote even cooking. It also lowers the risk of contamination and further health problems when consumed—as such, using the right container and lid for microwave heating or cooking is vital.

Thankfully, you can buy microwave-safe plastic wraps and lids to ensure total food protection and safety. Indeed, microwaves are convenient kitchen appliances that cut down cooking time. However, with convenience comes increased caution and responsibility. More importantly, it is necessary to avoid opening the food lid immediately after the timer beeps. According to safety experts, it is vital to allow about two minutes after the timer beeps, to prevent a possible splashing of hot contents on your skin. Additionally, according to culinary experts, your food should be steaming hot whenever you reheat it, and it should come to a thorough boil or simmer. Ideally, reheated food is required to have a temperature of or above 75 °C

Food safety goes beyond the wholesomeness of the food. Therefore, the next time you intend to cook, it would be in your interest to do everything it takes to ensure the dish is not contaminated.

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