Wow, Summer just flew by, didn’t it? It seems as if two minutes ago we were lounging in the sun, eating ice lollies and praying for a little more of a breeze – now we’re all reaching for our hats and scarves! Although September can be host to some warmer weather, this year Autumn seems to have gripped us and brought a chilly wind with it quicker than ever before. A seasonal change, means a change in the house too – both in temperature in décor, but how can you get your family home truly ready for the Autumnal season? Well, here are some top tips on how you can do just that.

Take a Look at Your Interior Maintenance
If you were looking to sell your property say for example through a company such as Ready Steady Sell, you’d make sure all of your interior maintenance was up to scratch in order to make your home as appealing and comfortable as possible. Really, why should you think any differently when changing the property for yourself?
The thing about the colder weather is that it’s likely to make you end up paying more for your utility bills. Not only are you extremely like to use the heating more in order to maintain a comfortable temperature in your home, but you’re actually more likely to be spending more time in the house too. The good thing about Summer is the nice weather, and with it you’re a lot more likely to spend time outdoors. Autumn leading into Winter is the perfect time to simply enjoy your cosy home, so make the most of it!
That being said, there are ways you can cut your energy bills. Take a look at any cracks, doorways and windows in your home. Are they letting in a draught at all? If the answer is yes, then it might be the right time to take a look at your interior maintenance. Draught excluders are a great budget option for helping your home to retain heat in the chilly winds, or you could even look at having any older windows and doors replaced. Of course, that costs a little more, but think of it as an investment! After all, it will help you to save money in the long run.
Exterior Maintenance
While you’re at it, look into doing some exterior maintenance! Although your garden may have been looking wonderful all Summer long, now it has some harsher temperatures and conditions to live through.
That being said, make sure your lawn is well treated and trimmed and if your Summer flowers are looking a little tired, replant some Winter-friendly bulbs that’ll flourish until the next time Spring comes around.
Likewise, your fences and gates are likely to take a battering – so give them a lick of paint too! You could even consider painting your front door in order to make it look cosier and more inviting.
Furthermore, ensuring your guttering is in good condition is a must as we edge towards the rainier months. The last thing you want is it leaking when you need it the most, so the sooner you sort this the better. It’s all about making your own life easier, after all!
Cosiness is Key
Unlike in the Summer, when your home décor points to all things airiness and light, Autumn and Winter are all about enjoying the indoors, or at the very least having somewhere comfy and warm to come back to after you’ve been outside and battled the elements!
This basically means it’s time to bring all things cosy back throughout your home. Think warm rugs, fluffy cushions, and throws over sofas and beds. There’s nothing better than curling up in your own safe little haven as a family, with a hot chocolate watching the cold weather outside, so make sure you create just that environment.
Bring in that Autumnal Scent
Last, but absolutely not least, it’s time to bring in some of those more seasonal scents.
Just about anything spiced SCREAMS Autumn. Think spiced pear, spiced pumpkin and cinnamon kinds of scents. It really doesn’t matter how you introduce these into your home, however, a great way of doing it is investing in a wax melt lamp. This way you not only get the addition of an amazing smell in your home, but you also get a lovely lamp that gives off a warning light. They’re all the rage right now – so grab one while you can!
*Guest postThank you for reading.
Alex xo
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