Bringing a new baby home is an incredibly exciting time, but it is also one which requires dedicated preparation. You not only need to feel prepared yourself, but your home also needs to be transformed ready for a newborn. From creating a nursery to keeping sharp objects and electrical items safely out of reach for when they begin crawling, the below guide will show you how to get your property ready for your new family member.

The Nursery
When you first bring home your newborn, it’s recommended they sleep in your bedroom until they are around six months old. This is recommended for a number of reasons, including the fact parents will be within each reach if the baby fusses during the night or needs feeding. However, this isn’t to say you can’t create your dream nursery until they are sleeping in it. Visualizing the nursery and creating it is one fun way to prepare the home and you can decorate it however you wish, but it is suggested that pastel colors will promote a soothing, relaxing atmosphere, ideal for settling the baby for the night.
Transforming Key Rooms
While it’s obvious that creating the nursery is key when you are bringing a new baby home, don’t forget it’s also important to transform the rest of the home. For example, your kitchen may currently include basic appliances but to make your life easier, you may want to incorporate more. With this in mind, here are some ideas of how to transform two key rooms:
- The Kitchen: Before the baby arrives, you should reassess your current kitchen layout and ensure you add any key appliances which will help your life run a bit more smoothly. For example, adding a washer and dryer can make sure you can clean the baby’s clothes quickly and easily and keep these two essential areas close together. In this instance, opting for professional washer and dryer installation is crucial as it will reduce the risk of the appliances being set up incorrectly and causing more issues down the line.
- The Bathroom: There’s no denying that your life is going to change drastically once you bring your new baby home, especially if it’s your first child. That’s why it’s crucial to create one room where you can retreat to after a long day and indulge in some much needed ‘me time.’ If you have a bath within your bathroom, why not transform this room into a zen-like spa? This transformation doesn’t need to be one which costs a lot of money, either. All you need to do is invest in some spa bath products, candles, and maybe a bath caddy where you can place a book or your tablet.
Safety Latches
These are not a new idea but they’re hugely effective at keeping little inquisitive hands out of where they shouldn’t go, especially as your little one begins to grow and become more curious. Use safety latches on cupboards and draws, as children can pull these and drop heavy items on top of them. Latches also prevent young children from being able to get into cupboards and take items out. This can be especially dangerous if they begin removing glassware as if these were to smash, they could cause some pretty nasty injuries. They should also be used on storage spaces whereby you keep potentially dangerous substances like cleaning products, medicines, and alcohol.
Future Safety Measures
Accidents are exactly that, they’re accidental and can be wholly avoidable with due care and attention. Tragically, unintentional injury is one of the top reasons for child fatality in the US and it can, and should be, entirely, evaded. See below for a list of potential accidents and how you can avoid them:
- Drowning. Never leave a full bath unattended, and always place the toilet lid down in the toilet. While your young child should never be left unattended, there are times when your back is turned, so ensure that there is no potential for a drowning risk in your bathroom. The same goes for ponds and pools – always have them covered up when not in use, and never let your child out of your sight around open water.
- Asphyxiation. Ensure that loose blind and curtain ties are out of reach, or even better, not needed as part of your design. There are many styles that are cord-free nowadays, so think sensibly and avoid silly accidents by purchasing these.
- Trauma and falls. Use stairgates, and keep them across as habit. Place pillows and blankets around your toddler’s bed if they’re in the habit of being able to climb out.
Safety is paramount and you shouldn’t ever cut corners when it comes to keeping your child healthy and well, so try out the suggestions laid out in this guide to help you baby proof your home.
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