So on Saturday and with it being half term week, we thought we'd take a bit of a day trip to Oxford and go to the Oxford University Museum of Natural History via the car and then the bus with the park and ride. We're always on the look out for fun, local things to do indoors during the colder months as we're such an adventure/exploration loving family and whilst we love our home, we're truly at our happiest when we're out and about discovering and doing new things.

As we have a two and a four year old, the park and ride bus trip from Thornhill was a big part of the fun for the boys on the day. We were so lucky as we managed to get front seats on the top of the bus. The boys loved it, especially because they'd never been on a Double Decker bus before!

When we arrived we decided to head straight to the museum and have lunch there. We always take a packed lunch out for our boys wherever we go as they are very fussy eaters, so they had that and Adam and I had an amazing tasting soup and some wraps with some cake afterwards too of course! The food was amazing, I highly recommend the soup! And the views were brilliant too as our table was right where we could see over and look at the dinosaur fossils! Being a Saturday and midday, the cafe was really, really busy and it was only luck that we managed to get a table, so that's definitely worth bearing in mind.

The view from upstairs - it's such a beautiful, well laid out museum!

We particularly liked looking around at the animal fossils and seeing how big they were.

Logan, who's 2 was in his element exploring and looking around!

He's such a cheeky boy - luckily you were allowed to touch some of the models, this bear included!

It was fascinating to learn about the different models on show, this is a humpback whales skull. It makes you realise just how big these animals are!

The dinosaur models were a big hit with my boys!

It's defintely worth taking your little one/s, if they are into dinosaurs!

The thing we love most about museums is that they're usually free to get into, they're perfect this time of year when it's cold outside and they are perfect for all the family!

We really enjoyed what we saw of the Oxford University Museum of Natural History, there was actually even more for us to explore which we didn't quite manage to get to, we had the upstairs to go round and also the Pitt Rivers Museum which displays the archaeological and anthropological collections and is attached to the main Oxford University Museum. We saw some of the Pitts Rivers museum with the boys this visit, but Adam and I have been before and it's amazing and well worth a visit!
How do you like to spend your family days off at the weekend and during half term when the weather outside is cold? Have you been to any local museums/indoor attractions lately that you recommend?
Thank you for reading.
Alex xo
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